Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Is Not Benign

Tonight, I came across an article about Google CEO Larry Page and his Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis diagnosis. He described Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as a “fairly common benign inflammatory condition of the thyroid which causes me no problems.” Well, then, he’s lucky because I and every single person I know that has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis has suffered. If you’re at my website, odds are you have, too. It is not a benign condition and if untreated, it could lead to coma or death.

When I read about Larry Page’s comments, I was upset, to say the least. So many responses went through my head and I started to compose a blog post to rebut the assertion that Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is benign. But then, I read this article by Jill Klausen, a fellow sufferer. Her story could be my story. In fact, it hit so close to home I nearly cried.

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