The Thyroid Secret: The Truth About Toxins

The Thyroid Secret: The Truth About Toxins“The Truth About Toxins” is the fourth episode in The Thyroid Secret documentary. This episode discusses the big impact that toxins in our environment have on our thyroids and thyroid disease. It is estimated that we come in contact with over 80,000 different toxic chemicals every day in such things as food, makeup products, and our cars. That was quite a shocking statistic to hear.

Our thyroid, which is programmed to take in nutrients, instead starts taking in toxins we’re exposed to, making us sick. Possibly even triggering autoimmune disease. When toxins enter our body, our cells go into danger mode, slowing or even shutting down to protect the body. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the Ukraine in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Studies have shown that nearly 80% of the children in the area have developed thyroid problems. And there is an epidemic of thyroid cancer around Fukushima, as well.

Dr. Wentz mentions several of the different common, every day toxins we come in contact with, some you wouldn’t even suspect. They include plastic bottles, dental amalgams, fire retardants, parabens, thalates, pesticides, off-gasing of bromine from new cars. Even some of our food contains toxins. Dr. Wentz states that high fructose corn syrup can contain mercury and rice is high in cadmium and arsenic.

Several suggestions are given to help detoxify the body of specific toxins. Cilantro oil and selenium can both detoxify the body of mercury. Liver detoxification can help with chemical sensitivities. Other suggested therapies include milkthistle and infra red sauna. (Always talk to your doctor before starting any sort of detox!)

This episode, “The Truth About Toxins”, was eye opening. I never realized just how many toxins we are subjected to on a daily basis. If you’re concerned about how toxins in your environment are affecting your Hashimoto’s, you definitely must watch this episode.

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Is Not Benign

Tonight, I came across an article about Google CEO Larry Page and his Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis diagnosis. He described Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as a “fairly common benign inflammatory condition of the thyroid which causes me no problems.” Well, then, he’s lucky because I and every single person I know that has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis has suffered. If you’re at my website, odds are you have, too. It is not a benign condition and if untreated, it could lead to coma or death.

When I read about Larry Page’s comments, I was upset, to say the least. So many responses went through my head and I started to compose a blog post to rebut the assertion that Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is benign. But then, I read this article by Jill Klausen, a fellow sufferer. Her story could be my story. In fact, it hit so close to home I nearly cried.

Thyroid Problems Can Cause Issues With Pregnancy

Hashimoto's and Pregnancy

Thyroid problems can cause problems with pregnancy and should be screened for within the first 3 months of pregnancy, according to researchers in India. Even moderate problems with the thyroid can put women and their unborn children at serious risk for complications such as miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labor, and still birth.​

Thyroid hormone, produced by the thyroid gland, helps regulate the process of turning food into energy, but excessively low hormone production, or hypothyroidism, may cause symptoms such as fatigue, sensitivity to cold temperatures, constipation and depression.

However, during pregnancy untreated, hypothyroidism is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight and other serious complications. Although previous research has suggested that women with moderate thyroid dysfunction, or subclinical hypothyroidism, also are more likely to suffer complications, the level of risk was uncertain….More at Thyroid problems cause pregnancy issues –

So, if you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant, talk to your doctor about getting your thyroid checked. One simple test could prevent serious issues.

May 25th is World Thyroid Day

May 25th has been designated as World Thyroid Day, a day to promote awareness and information about the thyroid and the diseases that affect it. Bay Watch star Gena Lee Nolin recently talked about her struggle with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis on “Good Morning! Arizona” in the hopes that it will help others avoid the struggles she’s had. She is hosting an online thyroid boot camp with her doctor on World Health Day. Visit her Facebook page, Thyroid Sexy.

For more information on World Thyroid Day and more thyroid resources, visit the the American Thyroid Association.

Thyroid Cancer Is On The Rise

I came across a short article tonight stating that thyroid cancer rates are increasing. In fact, the number of cases of thyroid cancer have risen 6.5%. Doctors and researchers are not quite sure why, but suspect either better screening is behind the increase in cancer discovery or it’s something else entirely that they haven’t pinpointed yet.

Three possible factors doctors are considering as likely culprits are obesity, radiation exposure, and diets low in fruits and vegetables.  Someone who is overweight has a 20% increased risk for thyroid cancer and those that are obese have a 53% increase in risk. Studies also show that people who have more dental x-rays have higher risk for thyroid cancer as well.

Estimates from the National Cancer Institute state that nearly 56,000 cases of thyroid cancer will be diagnosed this year. Statistics show that women are three times as likely to develop thyroid cancer than men. Women tend to suffer from thyroid problems in general more often than men. Fortunately, thyroid cancer is usually very survivable, with a 5-year survival rate of 97%.

Boosting Your Metabolism Is Possible

Anyone with thyroid problems knows how difficult it is to cope with a slow metabolism. A slow metabolism is the reason for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (or hypothyroid) weight gain. Boosting that metabolism can be difficult, but not impossible.

I ran across a recent article about getting key hormones in balance to boost your metabolism and lose weight. The article, Mastering Your Metabolism Is Complex But Not Impossible (link no longer works), covers 8 key hormones and what you can do (and eat) to get those hormones in balance. Of course, the article mentions thyroid hormone as the number one hormone to get in balance. The thyroid controls just about every cell in your body, so it’s an important one. The article mentions selenium as being important for thyroid health.

Update: Unfortunately, when I last checked, the link to the article no longer works.

Good Housekeeping Article About Thyroid Causes Controversy

I recently read about a controversy over a Good Housekeeping article regarding hypothyroidism. The article doesn’t seem to take Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and hypothyroidism very seriously. The gist of the article and the opinion of the “experts” the author talked to was that hypothyroidism doesn’t need to be treated when TSH is between 5 and 10. Well, I can say from personal experience, I would be a useless lump if my Hashimoto’s wasn’t treated when my TSH rose over 5. In fact, my last TSH test a week ago showed a level of 3.2 and I’ve been completely exhausted lately and lost in brain fog. I function best when my TSH is around 1.

It’s unfortunate that articles like this are published that misinform the public and those that might be looking for answers to their medical issues. Fortunately, many well-informed doctors are speaking out to set the record straight.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Is Linked To…


At least, that’s how it seems. I like to keep informed on the latest medical research regarding Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read an article with the headline that states that there is a link between a particular health condition and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Not only that, but I suffer from some of them as well. I’m sure many of you do too.

I recently discovered that Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has been linked to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. How’d I discover that? Well, because I have PCOS. I have researched it. And in my research, I discovered Hashimoto’s is linked to it along with other conditions and diseases like insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and diabetes. My latest focus is the links between Hashimoto’s and the whole slew of irritable bowel diseases. Why? Because guess what I’m going through right now! Yup, testing for GI issues. Joy.

If you have an auto-immune disease like Hashimoto’s, you should be aware that you’re at risk for any other autoimmune disease. I was already aware of that, so it came as no surprise to find articles describing links to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with diseases like Crohn’s, Celiac Disease, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. Since kidney stones occur pretty frequently in patients with Sjogren’s Syndrome, I suppose it could be argued that there is a link between Hashimoto’s and kidney stones. Call it the six degrees of Hashimoto’s.

I guess my point is this, while you shouldn’t just blame all your ills on your Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, you shouldn’t just dismiss them either. There may be a link and it’s something you should bring up with your doctor to make sure. As a Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis patient, you are at risk for a great many other serious diseases. Stay vigilant. Make sure your concerns are addressed. The more you monitor your health, the easier it will be to 1) recognize new health risks sooner and 2) you’ll be able to mitigate any problems associated with those new health issues.

Thyroid and Metabolism: Give Them a Boost!

Thyroid and Metabolism

Thyroid and metabolism are the main concerns in an article recently posted by physician Mark Hyman . This article details his 7 step plan to boost your low thyroid and metabolism. In the article, he details several factors that contribute to hypothyroidism and low metabolism.

These factors include:

  • Environmental factors such as chemicals and pesticides.
  • Chronic stress. Stress can suppress your thyroid.
  • Chronic inflammation from particular foods we eat.
  • Nutritional deficiencies of iodine, vitamin D, omega-3 fats, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, and the B vitamins.

His 7 step plan includes some very good advice to help you get your hypothyroidism under control. In a nutshell, these steps are:

  1. Treat the underlying causes of your hypothyroidism.
  2. Supporting your thyroid through good nutrition.
  3. Minimizing stress.
  4. Boosting thyroid function via exercise.
  5. Using supplements to provide the nutrients your thyroid needs.
  6. Heat therapy to help eliminate toxins.
  7. Thyroid hormone therapy.

For more details on Mark Hyman’s 7 step plan, view his article here.